Meet the Peas Team

 We're Jenn and Rachel, twins with a passion to support new mums in their breastfeeding journey.

Jenn is based in South London but covers London and surrounding areas. Rachel is based in Sevenoaks and serves the surrounding areas including Kent and East Sussex.

Jenn is a Certified Lactation Consultant, Tongue Tie Practitioner and Midwife.

Rachel is an IBCLC and Neonatal Nurse with a special interest in families with multiples as a twin mummy herself.

We provide assistance with prenatal counselling, common issues during breastfeeding initiation, as well as support with more complex breastfeeding issues, including oral dysfunction and breastfeeding multiples.

Services we offer

Email us to book our private services- See below for more information on Tongue tie services

(Combinations of services or repeat visits may be offered at discounted prices)

  • Private home breastfeeding support session - £190, additional fee of £30 for weekend visits (follow up visits £160): Support with positioning, attachment, assessing milk transfer, oral assessments for tongue ties and providing intraoral tension release, assistance with pumping, supplementation, feeding plans, and baby weighing... and much more! This also includes a copy of your feeding plan, with handouts, useful links and videos tailored to your situation.

  • Face to Face prenatal counselling and breastfeeding workshop £130:  Prenatal counselling is a chance for you to discuss specific concerns you may have eg;  preparing to feed multiples, previous breast surgeries, milk supply issues or feeding affected by tongie ties with previous children etc. Workshops are an interactive class designed to get feeding off to the best start, This includes colostrum harvesting, feeding expectations and latching a newborn. Also includes issue of our 'Pea's breastfeeding bible' for home reading.

  • Video prenatal counselling and workshop - £90: See above- counselling sessions and workshops can both be done online for those out of area or not requiring a face to face visit (Pea's breastfeeding bible sent by post).

  • Video breastfeeding support and advice - £90: Perfect for women out of area, for follow ups, providing second opinions, or for less complex issues.
  • Tongue tie follow up and after care - £160: Feeding support post frenulotomy, assessment of wound healing, oral function and provision of tension release exercises for residual muscular/ fascia tension

  • IBCLC in your pocket service - £60 for 1 month subscription, or £80 for 2 months: Breastfeeding support at your fingertips! Unlimited support by text, guaranteed reply within 24 hours (realistically often much sooner). You can send videos for assessment and we can send videos/handy rescources as well as tailored advice.

  • Infant first aid classes - £150 per family or discounted for large groups: An interactive workshop with practical skills simulation. Covers topics including choking, unresponsive child, CPR, burns as well as dealing with fevers and common illnesses.

  • E-Vouchers: Our services can be purchased as an e-voucher for new or expectant parents 


  BSc with Honors in Midwifery and Nursing


International Board Certified Lactation Consultant (IBCLC)


Baby Friendly trained


Neonatal intensive care nursing 


NMC regulated


Tongue tie Academy

Tongue tie

Having been trained by an industry leader in tongue function and holistic assessment, we will take the time to assess your baby holistically, looking at symptoms regarding feeding, sleep, behaviour and oral function as well as just tongue appearance. 

Everyone has a frenulum, which is composed of oral mucosa and sometimes also floor of the mouth fascia or genioglossus muscles (Mills et al 2021). Presence of a frenulum alone cannot diagnose a tongue tie, and the frenulum must be restricting the tongues mobility to be a genuine tie

Diagnosis of tongue tie (ankyloglossia) is a functional diagnosis, which means that no specific one tool exists as the sole means of confirming a tongue tie. Such a decision can only be made in conjunction with a skilled clinical functional assessment (Schlatter et al.)

We have been trained to use the Hazel Baker ATLFF tool, the only tool proven to give valid inter-rater reliability between practitioners when interpreting tongue function. However, we will also use clinical judgement based on experience as well as time to listen to any concerns regarding the symptoms and observation of the effectiveness of conservative management. 

We incorporate soft tissue release/myofunctional therapy into our practice to ensure the eight surrounding tongue muscles are treated along side any potential tie. Compensatory mechanisms often mean that when oral dysfunction is present tension can then spread to baby's surrounding anatomy. Sometimes soft tissue release can be enough to treat an oral restriction without the need for a division. It can also prepare baby to improve their tongue function to ensure they are ready to receive a division if one is necessary and therefore improve healing.

Scar tissue - Scar tissue contracture can impede tongue function more than the original tie. Soft tissue release can improve the formation and elasticity of scar tissue while the tongue heals (this is not disruptive wound massage). If your baby has previously had a tongue tie division which has not improved their symptoms fully (or even worsened them) soft tissue release on surrounding muscles and scar tissue remodelling can help improve function and enable better assessment of the wound.

Both of us are able to assess tongue tie and perform soft tissue release. Jenn is a Tongue Tie Practitioner and therefore competent do perform the frenulotomy procedure.

Initial consultations can take place in your own home. At present, if a division is needed we will then invite you into the Tongue Tie Centre in Balham to have the procedure done for a smaller follow up fee. We have found the procedure safer with two practitioners (which can often be facilitated in the clinic) and that parents tend to feel more comfortable having a surgical procedure done in a clinical environment.

Although this may seem an unnecessary delay we will ensure the situation is sustainable, have a plan for its continued improvement in the meanwhile and agree with you when is most comfortable to return for the procedure. We often see a vast improvement alone from continued soft tissue release done by parents prior to being seen again in clinic. 

Click the image below for the Tongue Tie Centre's details:

Why is breastfeeding support

so important?

Exclusive breastfeeding at six months (as recommended by the WHO) is at an all time low of 1% in the UK. Despite its well known benefits. 

We understand that breastfeeding can be a challenging and daunting time for new parents.

 We can help by providing unrivalled holistic one-to-one support.

We aim to work with families to get to the root cause of any issues.


Jodie and Piper

After a long and difficult labour, I struggled to get baby to latch. Two days later and we were still having issues and feeding was painful and stressful. Jenn came to our house and taught me how to get baby to latch properly and it made a huge difference. She was very understanding and I felt completely comfortable.

The midwives at our hospital were good but they were very pushed for time and we found them reluctant to touch me and help guide baby onto the breast properly. We really benefitted from a couple of hours of one-on-one time with someone in the comfort of our own home. Jenn also taught me how to hand express, settle baby, and give baby her first bath. We ended up breastfeeding for 14 months thanks to the help we received.  

Fran and Nina

I used Peas in a Pod Breastfeeding because I was recommended them by a friend, and I am SO glad for the recommendation! Without their guidance & support I would not still be breast feeding now 6 weeks in.

I had a really difficult start to breastfeeding with a small baby suffering from jaundice, which lead to her not feeding much and my breasts becoming engorged. By the time Rachel visited me I was in a complete state, but her calm and supportive manor reassured me, and she showed me how to address the issues and get my baby to latch. Then during my stay in hospital I was able to text Rachel if I hit further stumbling blocks. I know if I have any issues going forward Peas will be able to help me overcome them!

I have already recommended them to a few friends & would highly recommend to anyone needing breastfeeding support!

Megan and Nora

Expecting our first child in a pandemic has meant that we have needed even more support. I knew I wanted to breastfeed but also knew it would be impossible to attend classes as normal. However, I needn't have worried. The Peas ran a workshop for me and my partner which was full of clear, practical advice. We came away feeling as though we had just spent the afternoon in breastfeeding school!

The workshop provided us with loads of great tips to help my partner support me and feel involved with feeding, whilst also explaining the biology which meant we both understood the importance of getting feeding right and feeling confident that we could do it! I am so pleased we took part and it has got our breastfeeding journey off to a great start!

Contact us to book

As our services are dynamic and flexible, please email us to discuss which services are best for you.

We are based in South London and cover London and surrounding areas.

Typically same day reply!

Covid-19 policy

Our precautions

The decision to meet face to face is an individual and joint decision between us and families. By booking a home visit with peas you are agreeing to the fact that there is a risk of exposure to covid-19 or other illness

We offer video calls for up to 1 hr for advice if you prefer to not have hands on help at this time (£45). We can also give an antenatal breastfeeding class virtually and will post the information leaflet to you. This antenatal class virtually will not include first aid (£100).

We will have the following measures in place:

  • Frequent hand washing, please provide clean hand towel for our use
  • Wearing of PPE, including goggles, mask and gloves
  • We are both having lateral flow tests twice weekly as part of our jobs as healthcare professionals. 

If anyone in your home has symptoms of Covid-19 please let us know as soon as possible and we will ensure that we come up with a plan to keep us and yourselves safe.

Key messages for breastfeeding mothers

  • Breastfeeding isn’t just about food. Breastfeeding mothers produce antibodies and other immune factors in their milk, which protects their babies from infections (UNICEF – Infant feeding during the Covid-19 outbreak, March 2020)

  • There is currently no evidence that Covid-19 can be passed on via an infected mother’s milk  (Public Health England, March 2020)

  • The benefits of breastfeeding outweigh any potential risks of transmission of the virus through breast milk or by being in close contact (PHE, March 2020)
